RRP: AUD $24.95
Target Ages: 8 - 12 years
Format: 230 mm x 230 mm
Additional Information: Small Friends Books
Rights available: World (ex. China, Korea, Japan, Australia)
Rights enquiries: Jenny Rosson (jenny@marcorodino.com)
Zobi and the Zoox: A Story of Coral Bleaching
With her home under threat from a warming ocean, Zobi, a brave rhizobia bacterium, teams up with a family of slow but steady Zoox (zooxanthellae). As the coral bleaches, everyone begins to starve...
44 pages (28 pages story + 16 pages science)
ISBN: 9781486309603
"Zobi and the Zoox is not only a story, it is also a science book. Adults and children will learn so much about coral as they read this story and every illustration adds even more information... an excellent book to use to teach children (and their adults) just how important the coral reef is to ocean health."
Vanessa Rendall, Educate Empower blog
"I felt like I was a piece of coral and I was just watching all these little things going on in the mucus. I really felt like I was a part of it."
Bodhi Harper, age 11
The Squid, the Vibrio & the Moon
A story about the symbiotic relationship between the Hawaiian bobtail squid and the bioluminescent bacteria that help it glow in the moonlight.
40 pages (28 pages story + 12 pages science)
ISBN: 9781486309894
“I read The Squid, the Vibrio and the Moon to my grandson and he was absolutely riveted. As soon as I finished, he demanded that I read it again. He was swept up by the story, the incredible characters in it and wonders of the relationships that have evolved.”
David Suzuki – Scientist, Environmentalist & Broadcaster
"This book had me captivated and brought home to me the wonder of symbiosis. It is a must for all libraries so that children can understand how these incredible relationships have evolved."
Merle Morcom, Good Reading Magazine, April 2019
Nema and the Xenos: A Story of Soil Cycles
The tale of a tiny nematode worm, the bacteria that live inside her, and a tree being munched on by a grub.
ISBN: 9781486312177
48 pages (32 pages story + 16 pages science)
"A beautifully illustrated, exciting and engaging story that is sure to inspire a child’s imagination; while providing a scientifically accurate glimpse into the complex structure and living networks within soil."
Dr Elaine Ingham and Dr Eva Schneider, Soil Foodweb
"Nema and the Xenos: A Story of Soil Cycles is a must-read for every child and every adult to remember that microbes make us, we are soil, we are members of a complex, creative, cooperative Earth Family."
Dr Vandana Shiva - Scientist, Environmentalist and Author
The Forest in the Tree: How Fungi Shape the Earth
Told by a fungal spore, this story explores the hidden relationships between plants, fungi and bacteria.
48 pages (32 pages story + 16 pages science)
ISBN: 9781486313310
“A story that is poetic in its simplicity with beautiful, luminous illustrations that surprise and delight; inviting the reader to see the world with fresh eyes.”
Nadja Slovak – Primary School Teacher & Librarian
“Beautifully illustrated, well written, and provides a clear introduction to a hugely important topic.”
Merlin Sheldrake, author of Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds, and Shape Our Futures
Tags: Children, Books, Non-Fiction, Microbiology, Bacteria, Fungi, Illustration, Science, Nature, Soil, Ocean, Symbiosis, Microbes, Coral, Reef, Squid, Nematode, Worm, Plants, Art-Science, Literature, Biology, Wildlife, Microscopic, Mutualism, Marine, Micro-scale, Mycorrhizae, Protozoa, Ecology, Education
Categories: Children’s Book, Narrative Non-Fiction, Eco-Literature, STEM, STEAM, Literary Non-Fiction, Educational, Picture Book, Science Communication, Science Education, Australian Literature, Science Adventure